Saturday, December 11, 2010

Formal Budget Submission. Posted 12 December 2010.

The Australian Treasurer, invited people to make suggestions to him about the next Commonwealth Government Budget, by e-mail.  This is the text of the email that I sent him this morning at 1017 hrs.
                 Please include a major boost in the rate of payment of Social Security benefits and pensions.

The poverty that we suffer is Government created. It is a direct consequence of your budget.

The payments should be made above the poverty line. A plan to achieve that outcome should be announced with the Budget..

Our present rates of payment do not meet the minimum standard set by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I am aware that there are people in full time employment who also live below the poverty line because their rate of payment is below the poverty line. Reform is needed for them too - but when it comes to the rate of payment of Social Security payments - the full ability and power to rectify the situation is in your hands Mr. Treasurer.

Please make a big step in the right direction in your next budget.


                                                                                                                               Strider "

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